The boundaries of the Local Intake Area for Gilmore College can be found on the Schools Online Website. Under the School Details tab, you will find a link to the Local Intake Area for Gilmore College.
To find out if an address is in the Gilmore College zone, you can search for it on the Schools Online website here.
Select Gilmore College on the right-hand side of the page, and you’ll be redirected to a map that pinpoints the address you searched for (green colour) compared to Gilmore College’s (red colour).
Out of Local Intake Area Applications
Gilmore College is a gazetted Local Intake Area School and can only guarantee places to students who reside within its Local Intake Area. Applications from parents/caregivers outside our local intake area are welcome. They will be considered with the number being determined by the College’s capacity to accommodate further enrolments. For more information about enrolments, please follow this link.