We’re excited to welcome students back for the start of Term 1 this Wednesday, 5 February.
Our administration office is open from 8am to 4pm for enrolments, Secondary Assistance Scheme applications, payments, and enquiries.
First Day Procedure: Please arrive at school between 8 – 8:30am. Staff will be available to help direct students, and an announcement will tell them where to meet their Year Manager.
Mobile Phone Policy: Please remember, students must keep their mobile phones off and away during the school day. If you need to contact your child, please reach out via our Administration team on 6595 2700.
Uniforms: Can be purchased from the Uniform Concepts Super Store in Jandakot or conveniently ordered online at www.nellgray.com.au
Personal Items Lists: Find all book list details here.
Charges and Voluntary Contributions: Pay your child’s Charges and Voluntary Contributions in full for a chance to be in our prize draw!