Breakfast Club
Students are encouraged to drop in between 8:00am and 8:25am, Monday to Friday, to enjoy a complimentary, nutritious breakfast, providing them with a healthy start to their day. This invaluable initiative thrives thanks to the unwavering dedication and support of our College Chaplain, Youth Workers, and the friendly volunteers from the Rotary Club of Kwinana, the Zone Youth Space and The Salvation Army.
Man Up Incursions
These workshops encourage young boys to embrace healthy masculinity through Intimate, peer-to-peer and experience-based sessions, conducted annually over three sessions.
Bully Zero and Pat Cronin Foundation workshops
These initiatives focus on bullying and violence prevention, aiming to raise awareness and enhance mental health through thought-provoking presentations with real cases.
Youth Opportunities Program
This program emphasises the development of personal leadership amongst students, encouraging them to set achievable goals, fostering motivation, enhancing confidence, and improving relationships.
ABCN “Find Your Purpose” mentoring programs
These mentoring programs aim to address educational disparities by helping students reach their potential regardless of socio-economic background.
Stephen Michael Foundation Program
A 20-week school-based leadership and wellbeing program, recently introduced at Gilmore College. The Stephen Michael Foundation Program targets disengaged students through sports, aiming to improve school attendance, classroom behaviour, and leadership skills whilst enhancing their social and emotional wellbeing. At the culmination of the 2024 program, participants will have the opportunity to run their own leadership program, which they will present to students at Orelia Primary School. The program is facilitated by two ex-AFL elite level players.
R u OK? Day
This initiative is a National Day of Action in September created by “R u OK”, a public health promotion charity. It is about encouraging people to meaningfully connect and start a conversation with others who may be struggling with life. To acknowledge and spread the important mental health messages of R U OK Day, our Student Services team organise a full-day event with food, trigger activities and games. Gilmore College partners with external organisations who support us during this day by hosting free activities, running workshops, and donating their time and resources.
16 Days in WA
In 2016, the Government of Western Australia launched this annual campaign to stop violence against women. “16 Days in WA” runs from November 25th (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to December 10th (Human Rights Day). During these days, we invite the Gilmore College community to participate in activities, informative sessions and workshops aimed at driving a change in culture, behaviour and attitudes. This initiative promotes actions to create a safer, more respectful environment for everyone, especially for women at our school.
Colour Run
One of the most acclaimed initiatives of the year, held in December, Colour Run acknowledges the efforts of students who have maintained Good Standing throughout the year. Selected students are invited to wear white shirts, enjoy slippery slides, and run around the oval while being showered with water and colour powders. At lunchtime, the whole school is treated to a delicious sausage sizzle.